The story of Dinokeng Game Reserve revolves around conservation, driven by strategic initiatives of the Gauteng Provincial Government and the efforts of over 170 enthusiastic landowners. Together, they conceptualised eco-tourism as a catalyst for uplifting rural communities through sustainable employment.
Situated within a bustling metropolis, Dinokeng Game Reserve aims to exemplify future conservation practices, fostering harmonious coexistence between people and wildlife. The reserve has already generated over 800 permanent jobs for neighbouring communities, showcasing its transformative impact.
The name “Dinokeng Game Reserve” (DGR) originates from the languages of the baTswana and baPedi peoples, translating to “a place of rivers.” Positioned in the catchment area of rivers flowing into the Olifants and Limpopo rivers, which eventually reach the Indian Ocean.
DGR occupies the northeastern quadrant of Gauteng Province, South Africa, spanning 19,000 hectares between latitudes 25°40’00”S and 25°10’00”S and longitudes 28°15’00”E and 28°40’00”E.
The area experiences variable and sporadic summer rainfall patterns, with precipitation ranging from 350mm to 750mm per season. Temperature extremes range from 0° to 40° Celsius, with a stable daily average of 21°. Notably, Dinokeng Game Reserve is malaria-free, ensuring a safe and comfortable environment for all visitors.
Explore Dinokeng Game Reserve’s conservation achievements and diverse wildlife firsthand. Join us in preserving this pristine reserve for future generations.
Dinokeng Game Reserve, located in the Greater Dinokeng Area of northern Gauteng, was designated for eco-tourism development. Initiated under the Gauteng Government’s Blue IQ project, formal planning and development began in the early 2000s.
Construction of a 200km perimeter game fence commenced in 2008, allowing free movement of wildlife between properties as landowners dismantled individual fences. By 2011, Big Five animals including White Rhino, Lions, and Elephants had been introduced.
The Reserve officially opened on 22 September 2011, marking the successful introduction of four of the Big Five. Buffalo joined in late 2012, and in 2018, a herd of Black Rhino was released, solidifying its status as a genuine Big Five Reserve.